The amazingly magnifying presence of women as entrepreneurs has led to the change in the demographic characteristics of the business and economic growth of the country. Women entrepreneurship and leadership are playing prominent roles in society to inspire others and amplify the generation of more employment opportunities in the country.
There is a need for sustainable growth of Women entrepreneurs in India, to promote balanced growth in the country. It’s proved that women bring a different set of perspectives to problem-solving, that can enhance the quality of the solution. Women bring a unique set of issues and experiences that can help in decision making, thus, enhancing the quality of the decision.
Apurva Purohit, a renowned businesswoman and author, strongly emphasizes that “Each person is unique in terms of one’s skills and talents, and using these in the best possible way in today’s dynamic environment is vital.”
From grit to glory, the journey of women entrepreneurs is nothing short of a rollercoaster. It’s a tough voyage that’s riddled with challenges, the need and will to manage and stay buoyant, in the face of overwhelming opposition across every step of the entrepreneurial lifecycle: from fighting cultural perceptions, appropriations… while juggling personal and professional responsibilities, to securing funding, etc.
Malika Sadani, founder-CEO of The Moms Co., has remarkably woven her successful entrepreneur story in India. She believes that “Failures are a part of life and you need to accept them. You need to be strong enough to not let them overpower you, get up in the morning and simply break through it. Maybe there’s a minute of failure, but the impact that you’re probably having over people feels really nice, and the next day, it gives you the courage to fight the battle all over again. In fact, I remember going to a plant, where people kept me waiting for hours and commented on my capability to run the business, being a woman. So, there were a lot of struggles initially. Just stay true to and clear about what you are looking to do. Things will come along and definitely come your way.”
Today, women entrepreneurs in India are definitely choosing to lead lives on their own terms and being self-reliant. Ishita Yashvi Sudha, co-founder/CMO of Cross Border Kitchens, states that “I’m very passionate about being that single woman, who did it on her own terms and who led a life that she wanted to lead on her own. I get high by leading my idea of a good life, simply providing for myself.” She further encourages that, “Have the ability to courageously take all the risks to chase your dreams and happiness. Go for it with all your heart. It may work out; it may not work out. I’m a product of my failures, having failed so many times in life… it has nevertheless taught me so much. So, just be a risk-taker to chase your happiness.”
Megha Asher, co-founder of Juicy Chemistry stated that “Amidst a sinking family business, I still chose to move forward and start Juicy Chemistry with just INR 5000 in my pocket. I feel desperate times call for desperate measures, and if you put your heart and soul into it, you can definitely achieve your dreams.”
With more and more women finding their corporate jobs to be stifling and unfulfilling or even those women who wish to step out of the comfort zone of their homes and empower themselves, they feel that it’s finally time to consider being their own bosses. The thought of feeling better to fail at something one loves than succeeding at something that one doesn’t care about is something that’s immensely being explored. It is definitely this newfound confidence and zeal that’s shaping the growing base and network of powerful women entrepreneurs in the world.